Jan 31
The Iraqi elections were yesterday and I don't yet know how they went. Things seemed strangely on the normal side here at OP.
This is an image that I hope people never forget
Yesterday A.M. we went out on an ambush patrol and set in about 2K South of our OP before sunrise. We had suspected that they had been dropping mortars in that area but only saw Shepherds.Thompson was all the excitement I had that A.m. He was to my right, set in for an ambush watching out back with the saw, and I found him sleeping. I threw a rock at him, surprising myself with my aim and hitting him in the feet. He didn't move. I threw a couple more rocks and then had to go over to him. Staying low, I snuck over there and knelt down putting my knee into his back and told him with an angry whisper, "Wake Up". He started immediately saying he was alert. I stopped him by grabbing his helmet and twisting his head to an uncomfortable position telling him I would deal with him later.
I finished reading The Da Vinci Code yesterday – a gift Tippie had sent. Now Tobias is reading it. Jo sent me some Vodka and Bourbon along with some pictures of her. Some Copenhagen, some cups and little umbrellas. Shelley sent me some pictures too, of her and her kid, Kyla. I am so thankful for having such great friends back home.
When we were back at Ramadi this last time, Johnstone got beat up pretty good by Buchanan. I didn't get to see it, but I heard it. Right outside my house. Johnstone and Doc had been going around for weeks antique'ing people. Something they had seen on a CKY movie where they come up on somebody sleeping and throw a handful of flour on their face. When they first had the idea and showed that they weren't just talking by getting a 10lb. bag of flour from the chow hall, I told them if they ever did that to me, I would be right behind them running out of the house barefoot to kick their ass. They gave me a look of disbelief saying, "It's only a joke," and I warned them that they should be careful who they humiliate.
After antique'ing a few people without incident, they got somebody who didn't like getting woke up by a handful of flour launched into his face.
I guess Buchanan, who I don't even like, only hit Johnstone two or three times but it was bad. Johnstone's right eye was cut and the next day was almost swollen shut. Scabs on his nose and lip showed up. Now he was the one humiliated.
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